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Jabek Forklifts at Work

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Jabek Forklifts, forklift, scissor lift, truck, onsite repair, maintenance

On-site Maintenance

Most maintenance & minor repairs can be performed on-site at your business.

Jabek Forklifts, forklift, scissor lift, truck, workshop repair, maintenance

Workshop Repair

Reapirs requiring major work are conducted in Jabek’s fully equipped workshop.

Jabek Forklifts, forklift hire, forklift, pallet mover, walkie stacker, LPG, electric, diesel

Forklift Hire

We hire electric forklifts, walkie stackers, LPG and diesel forklifts.

Jabek Forklifts, forklift brakes, scissor lift brakes, inspection, maintenance, safety, WHS

Brake Maintenance

Keep everyone safe in the workplace by having your brakes serviced regularly.

Jabek Forklifts, forklift, scissor lift, cooling system, service, maintenance, repair

Cooling System Neglect

This is the result of neglecting your cooling system — engine damage & expensive repairs!

Jabek Forklifts, forklift, scissor lift, LPG forklift, electric forklift, diesel forklift, refurbishment

Refurbished Forklifts

We can refurbish your old forklift and have refurbished units available for sale.

Jabek Forklifts, forklift, scissor lift, hydraulic system, service, maintenance, repair

Hydraulic Service

Keeping your hydraulics correctly maintained ensures your equipment is operating safely.

Jabek Forklifts, forklift hire, forklift, pallet mover, walkie stacker, LPG, electric, diesel

Forklift Hire

We hire electric forklifts, walkie stackers, LPG and diesel forklifts.

Jabek Forklifts, forklift brakes, scissor lift brakes, inspection, maintenance, safety, WHS

Brake Inspection

Keep your workplace safe and avoid WHS risks by scheduling regular brake insections.

Jabek Forklifts, forklift, scissor lift, emergency repair, onsite

Breakdown Repair

Jabek can be on-site at short notice for emergency repairs to keep your business running.

Jabek Forklifts, forklift hire, forklift, scissor lift, pallet mover, walkie stacker, LPG, electric, diesel

LPG Forklift

We sell and hire new & refurbished electric, LPG and diesel forklifts.

Jabek Forklifts, forklift, scissor lift, maintenance, repair, service, prevent damage

Lubrication Neglect

A siezed bearing and fractured con-rod caused by lack of regular maintenance.

Jabek Forklifts, forklift, scissor lift, maintenance, repair, service, LPG, electric, diesel

LPG Forklift Repair

We can perform most LPG forklift repairs & maintenance on-site at your business.

Jabek Forklifts, forklift brakes, scissor lift brakes, inspection, maintenance, safety, WHS

Brake Neglect

Failure to service your brakes is a serious safety risk — contact Jabek now to arrange a service!

Jabek Forklifts, scissor lift hire, forklift hire, forklift, scissor lift, pallet mover, walkie stacker, LPG, electric, diesel

Forklift Hire

We sell and hire new & refurbished electric, LPG and diesel forklifts.

Jabek Forklifts, licensed mechanic, light truck, medium truck, log book, service

Log Book Servicing

Jabek Forklifts is licensed to perform log book services for your light to medium trucks.

Jabek Forklifts, electric forklift, battery, service, maintenance, prevent damage

Battery Neglect

Don’t let this stop your forklifts. Schedule a battery service with Jabek now!